The Curse Of Robert Review
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A cash strapped student who starts working the night shift at a Museum suspects that one of the exhibits, a creepy vintage doll named Robert, is alive and wreaking havoc after hours.
Rated Not Rated
Run-Time 1H 19M
Directed By Andrew Jones
Stars Nigel Barber, Lee Bane, Tiffany Ceri, Suzie Frances Garton, Chris Bell, Jason Homewood, Steven Dolton, Christopher Hale, Felicity Boylett, David Bridle, Bobby Cole, Clare Gallop, Claire Henderson, Kate Piper, Kira Brown
- Well Acted
- Interesting Story
- A Few More Kills then Robert
- Very small kill count
Final Thoughts
This one feels more like Annabelle with Robert being locked in a display case in a museum. He doesn't stay locked up long and beings to murder the employees. However he again kills very few people, and leaves me wishing he was doing more. Again fairly good acting, and an ok story. 3/5*